Mamtaz Begum and Blessy Peter
Background: Children are great imitator, they learn smartphone use in very early childhood by observing parents and other members of society. They develop addiction to smartphone and the rising rate of addiction and its health effects during COVID pandemic is a major concern for health care provider. The study aimed to find the prevalence of smartphone addiction and its influencing factor among adolescent students during post COVID period.
Method: Among adolescent students, 420 smartphone users were selected by stratified random sampling techniques from five secondary school of a subdivision in West Bengal. Smartphone addiction scale short version was used to identify addiction and 35 adolescent addictive users were selected by purposive sampling technique. Semi structure questionnaire was used to identify influencing factors of smartphone addiction in a focus group of participants. Inductive approach and thematic analysis were adopted to analyse the data using NVIVO-14 software.
Result: Among smartphone user adolescent students 32.9% were found addicted. Identified themes on influencing factors of smartphone addiction includes: emotional wellbeing, Lack of self-control, Habit of using smartphone and social factors.
Conclusion: Smartphone addiction is a social problem therefore recognition and control of influencing factor is rest on the people of society specially parents, teachers and health care provider.
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