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International Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences

Vol. 6, Issue 1, Part A (2024)

Assessment of knowledge regarding care of patient with cerebrovascular accident among care givers using structured teaching programme


Jyotirmayee Satapathy and Hariprasad PC


Background: The present study was conducted to associate the pre- test and post- test level of knowledge regarding care of patient with cerebrovascular accident among care givers with their selected demographic variable using structured teaching programme.
Materials & Methods: Of 30 multiple choice questions related to general information about cerebrovascular accident knowledge regarding physiological aspect of care and knowledge regarding psychological aspect of care was admitted to caregivers of patients with CVA. 
Results: The majority of the caregivers 10 (33.3%) were in the age between 41-50 years, 10 (33.3%) were between 31-40 years, 5 (16.7%) were between 21-30 years and 5 (16.7%) were in the age group of above 50 years. 16 (53.3%) were female and 14 (46.7%) patients were male. The majority 12 (40%) were spouse, 10 (33.3%) were children and 8 (26.7%) were others. The majority 19 (63.3%) were giving care for less than 6 months and 11(36.7%) more than 6 months. The majority 14 (46.7) were got secondary education, 9 (30%) were primary educated and 4 (13.3%) were graduated and 3 (10%) were illiterate. The majority of the caregivers 22 (73.3%) were employed and 8 (26.7%) were unemployed.18 (60%) were less than Rs.10, 000, 11 (36.7%) were getting Rs.10,001 to Rs.20,000 and 1 (3.5%) was getting above Rs. 20,000. The majority of caregivers 26 (86.7) were married and 4 (13.3%) were unmarried.
Conclusion: Structured teaching program would motivate the care givers and help them to acquire knowledge regarding care of the patient with cerebrovascular accident. Therefore, structured teaching program was very important to provide quality-nursing care which helps to meet the needs of the patients for their well-being.

Pages: 19-22  |  404 Views  177 Downloads

International Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences
How to cite this article:
Jyotirmayee Satapathy and Hariprasad PC. Assessment of knowledge regarding care of patient with cerebrovascular accident among care givers using structured teaching programme. Int. J. Nurs. Health Sci. 2024;6(1):19-22. DOI: 10.33545/26649187.2024.v6.i1a.56