H Mahalakshmi and A Vimala
A descriptive study to assess the level of health problem perceived by postmenopausal women in selected community health centre, Verka, Amritsar. Objective of the study is to identify the health problems perceived by postmenopausal women and to find out the association between selected demographic variable and health problems faced by the postmenopausal women. A cross- sectional research descriptive design was used to assess the level of health problem among the postmenopausal women. The non- probability convenient sampling technique was used to select the sample which consist sample size of 30 women. Data was collected by using a 5 point rating scale that is menopause rating scale (MRS). It consists of items on factors related to psychological, somato-vegetative and uro-genital factors. Data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics (chi -square). Result finding shows that 63.33% women were having mild health problems, 30% were having moderate health problems and 6.66% severe health problems. Area wise distribution of level of health problem of the postmenopausal women shows that highest percentage(33.3%) had severe health problem with regard to psychological factor however around (20%) of women severe health problem in relation to somato vegetative factor and (6.6%) was found severe health problem in urogenital. However, it seems that the level of moderate health problem is (53.3%) in relation to psychological and somato-vegetative factor and lowest percentage 23.3% in uro-genital factor. Around 70% of women have mild health problem in relation to urogenital 26.6% had mild health problem in relation to somato-vegetative and lowest percentage is 13.3% was in psychological factors. The study concluded that more than half of the postmenopausal women having mild symptoms rather than moderate and severe.
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