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International Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences

Vol. 5, Issue 1, Part A (2023)

Prevention of anemia among antenatal women


Kshetrimayum Nalini Devi and Lamabam Kamalpriya Devi


Introduction: Anaemia during pregnancy is a public health problem especially in developing countries and it is associated with an increased incidence of both maternal and foetal morbidity and mortality.
Objective: To assess the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge and self-care regarding prevention of anemia among antenatal women.
Method and Material: A pre-experimental post-test only design was conducted on 30 antenatal women selected by purposive sampling technique. Data was collected in the month of February 2019 through interview technique at Batra Hospital & Medical Research Centre, New Delhi. Telephonic follows up and fixing up of appointment was done. Post-test was taken on 7th day. 
Result: The findings revealed that 12(40%) women had very good knowledge score, 11(36.7%) women had good knowledge score and 7(23.3%) women had average knowledge score after implementation of planned teaching programme regarding prevention of anemia among antenatal women. But in self-care 8 (26.7%) women had very good self-care score, 16(53.33%) women had good self-care score and 5(16.7%) women had average self-care sore and 1(3.3%) women had poor self-care score after implementation of planned teaching programme regarding prevention of anemia among antenatal women. The co-efficient correlation shows a positive relationship between knowledge and self-care score regarding prevention of anemia. There was significant association of self-care with age which was found statistically significant at 0.05 level indicating that self-care score was dependent on age which means the age between 24-30 years have more knowledge and can perform self-care to prevent from anemia during pregnancy.
Conclusion: The findings revealed that the planned teaching programme was effective where anaemia during pregnancy can be prevented through Planned Teaching Programme and encouraging self-care.

Pages: 35-39  |  812 Views  309 Downloads

International Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences
How to cite this article:
Kshetrimayum Nalini Devi and Lamabam Kamalpriya Devi. Prevention of anemia among antenatal women. Int. J. Nurs. Health Sci. 2023;5(1):35-39. DOI: 10.33545/26649187.2023.v5.i1a.43