Shelly Masih, Kapil Sharma, Sunita Rani
Arteriovenous fistula cannulation is one of the painful procedures in Hemodialysis patients. Reducing this pain improves their dialysis acceptance and life quality. The aim of the study was to assess the efficacy of eutectic mixture of local anesthetics vs Lidocaine spray on pain during arteriovenous fistula (AVF) cannulation among patients visiting dialysis unit. Quantitative approach &quasi experimental (post-test only) research design was used for the study. Purposive sampling technique was used to draw the sample from the target population. The study was conducted on 30 patients in dialysis unit of DMC& Hospital, Ludhiana, Punjab. Pain Assessment Sheet as per Numerical Pain Rating scale will be used for data collection. The data analyzed by using descriptive & inferential statistics. The conclusion and discussion made according to the findings of the study and comparing the results of the present study with the previous literature.
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