Nishel Loylet Barboza, Lanet Smitha, Marie E Pinto
Background: Contemporary modern lifestyle has encouraged an obesogenic culture of eating amongst children. The adolescents are more exposed to junk food and fast food. Multiple factors may influence an adolescent’s susceptibility to this eating culture, and thus act as a barrier to healthy eating. Due to the increasing prevalence of obesity and its associated illnesses amongst adolescents, the need to reduce these barriers has become a necessity. Materials and Methods: An evaluative research approach, quasi experimental design was used for the study. The sample consisted of 100 high school students selected by simple random sampling method from a selected high school at Mulki, Mangalore. Pre-test was conducted by administering a structured knowledge questionnaire and an attitude rating scale prepared by the investigator. After the pre-test, the awareness programme was given to the high school students and on the eighth day post-test was conducted using the same structured knowledge questionnaire and attitude scale. The collected data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Result: The mean percentage post-test knowledge score (80.13%) was higher than the mean percentage pre-test knowledge score (59.96%). The computed ‘t’ value (t99 =15.198, p<0.05) showed a significant difference suggesting that the awareness Programme was effective in improving the knowledge of high school students regarding the ill effects of junk food and fast food. The mean percentage post-test attitude score (79.4%) was higher than the mean percentage pre-test attitude score (59.72%). The ‘t’ value computed (t99 = 23.489, p<0.05) showed a significant difference suggesting that the awareness programme was effective in changing the attitude of high school students towards the ill effects of junk food and fast food. There was no significant relationship between the mean pre-test knowledge and attitude score of high school students regarding the ill effects of junk food and fast food. Conclusion: The study indicated that the awareness programme was an effective teaching strategy for providing information and improving the knowledge and attitude of high school students regarding ill effects of junk food and fast food.
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